Japanese Word Entry
順序探索Kana: | じゅんじょたんさく |
Romaji: | junjotansaku |
Definition: | linear search |
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Chinese characters used in this word
順 | obey, order, turn, right, docility, occasion, submit to, go along with |
Mandarin: | ㄕㄨㄣˋ (shùn) |
Cantonese: | seon6 |
Japanese: | ジュン (jun)、 シュン (shun) / すなお (sunao)、 したがう (shitagau) |
Korean: | 순 (sun) |
Vietnamese: | thuận |
Simplified Chinese form: | 顺 |
序 | preface, beginning, order, precedence, occasion, chance, incidentally, series, serial order, sequence |
Mandarin: | ㄒㄩˋ (xù) |
Cantonese: | zeoi6 |
Japanese: | ジョ (jo) / つい.で (tsuide)、 のべる (noberu) |
Korean: | 서 (seo) |
Vietnamese: | tự, tựa |
探 | grope, search, look for, find, locate, grope for |
Mandarin: | ㄊㄢˋ (tàn), ㄊㄢ (tān), ㄒㄧㄢˊ (xián) |
Cantonese: | taam3 |
Japanese: | タン (tan) / さぐ.る (saguru)、 さが.す (sagasu) |
Korean: | 탐 (tam) |
Vietnamese: | tham, thám |
索 | cord, rope, searching, inquiring, large rope, cable, rules, laws, to demand, to exact, to search, inquire, isolated |
Mandarin: | ㄙㄨㄛˇ (suǒ) |
Cantonese: | sok3 |
Japanese: | サク (saku) / なわ (nawa)、 もとめる (motomeru) |
Korean: | 삭 (sag), 색 (saeg) |
Vietnamese: | tác, sách |