Japanese Word Entry
國全土Simplified Japanese form: 国全土
Kana: | こくぜんど |
Romaji: | kokuzendo |
Definition: | the whole nation |
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Chinese characters used in this word
國 | country, nation, nation-state |
Mandarin: | ㄍㄨㄛˊ (guó) |
Cantonese: | gwok3 |
Japanese: | コク (koku) / くに (kuni) |
Korean: | 국 (gug) |
Vietnamese: | quốc |
Simplified Chinese form: | 国 |
Simplified Japanese form: | 国 |
Semantic variant form: | 囯 |
全 | whole, entire, all, complete, fulfill, maintain, keep whole or intact |
Mandarin: | ㄑㄩㄢˊ (quán) |
Cantonese: | cyun4 |
Japanese: | ゼン (zen)、 セン (sen) / まった.く (mattaku)、 すべ.て (subete)、 まったい (mattai)、 まっとうする (mattousuru) |
Korean: | 전 (jeon) |
Vietnamese: | toàn |
土 | soil, earth, ground, Turkey, items made of earth |
Mandarin: | ㄊㄨˇ (tǔ), ㄉㄨˋ (dù), ㄔㄚˇ (chǎ), ㄊㄨˊ (tú) |
Cantonese: | tou2 |
Japanese: | ド (do)、 ト (to) / つち (tsuchi) |
Korean: | 토 (to), 두 (du) |
Vietnamese: | thổ, độ, đỗ |