Japanese Word Entry
實行委員會Simplified Japanese form: 実行委員会
Kana: | じっこういいんかい |
Romaji: | jikkouiinkai |
Definition: | executive committee |
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Chinese characters used in this word
實 | truth, reality, real, true, solid, honest |
Mandarin: | ㄕˊ (shí), ㄓˋ (zhì) |
Cantonese: | sat6 |
Japanese: | ジツ (jitsu)、 シツ (shitsu) / み (mi)、 みの.る (minoru)、 まこと.に (makotoni)、 みの.り (minori)、 みち.る (michiru) |
Korean: | 실 (sil), 지 (ji) |
Vietnamese: | thật, thực |
Simplified Chinese form: | 实 |
Simplified Japanese form: | 実 |
Semantic variant form: | 寔 |
行 | going, journey, carry out, conduct, act, line, row, bank, go, walk, move, travel, circulate, Kangxi radical 144 |
Mandarin: | ㄒㄧㄥˊ (xíng), ㄏㄤˊ (háng), ㄏㄤˋ (hàng), ㄒㄧㄥˋ (xìng), ㄏㄥˊ (héng) |
Cantonese: | hang4 |
Japanese: | コウ (kou)、 ギョウ (gyou)、 アン (an) / い.く (iku)、 ゆ.く (yuku)、 -ゆ.き (-yuki)、 -い.き (-iki)、 おこな.う (okonau) |
Korean: | 행 (haeng), 항 (hang) |
Vietnamese: | hành, hạnh, hàng, hạng |
委 | committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard, appoint, send, commission |
Mandarin: | ㄨㄟˇ (wěi), ㄨㄟ (wēi), ㄨㄟˋ (wèi) |
Cantonese: | wai2 |
Japanese: | イ (i) / ゆだ.ねる (yudaneru)、 すえ (sue)、 くわしい (kuwashii) |
Korean: | 위 (wi) |
Vietnamese: | ủy, uy, uỷ |
員 | employee, member, number, the one in charge, personnel, staff member |
Mandarin: | ㄩㄢˊ (yuán), ㄩㄣˊ (yún), ㄩㄣˋ (yùn) |
Cantonese: | jyun4 |
Japanese: | イン (in)、 エン (en) / かず (kazu) |
Korean: | 원 (weon), 운 (un) |
Vietnamese: | viên, vân |
Simplified Chinese form: | 员 |
會 | meet, party, association, interview, join, to assemble, meet together, a meeting, an organization |
Mandarin: | ㄏㄨㄟˋ (huì), ㄏㄨㄟˇ (huǐ), ㄎㄨㄞˋ (kuài), ㄎㄨㄛˋ (kuò) |
Cantonese: | wui6 |
Japanese: | カイ (kai)、 エ (e) / あ.う (au)、 あ.わせる (awaseru)、 あつ.まる (atsumaru) |
Korean: | 회 (hoe), 괴 (goe), 괄 (gwal) |
Vietnamese: | hội, cối |
Simplified Chinese form: | 会 |
Simplified Japanese form: | 会 |
Semantic variant form: | 会 |