Japanese Word Entry
興亡盛衰Kana: | こうぼうせいすい |
Romaji: | koubouseisui |
Definition: | rise and fall, prosperity and decline, vicissitudes |
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Chinese characters used in this word
興 | entertain, revive, retrieve, interest, pleasure, thrive, prosper, flourish |
Mandarin: | ㄒㄧㄥ (xīng), ㄒㄧㄥˋ (xìng), ㄒㄧㄣˋ (xìn) |
Cantonese: | hing1 |
Japanese: | コウ (kou)、 キョウ (kyou) / おこ.る (okoru)、 おこ.す (okosu)、 おきる (okiru) |
Korean: | 흥 (heung) |
Vietnamese: | hưng, hứng |
Simplified Chinese form: | 兴 |
亡 | deceased, the late, dying, perish, death, destroyed, lose |
Mandarin: | ㄨㄤˊ (wáng), ㄨˊ (wú) |
Cantonese: | mong4 |
Japanese: | ボウ (bou)、 モウ (mou) / な.い (nai)、 な.き- (naki-)、 ほろ.びる (horobiru)、 ほろ.ぶ (horobu)、 ほろ.ぼす (horobosu)、 なくなる (nakunaru) |
Korean: | 망 (mang), 무 (mu) |
Vietnamese: | vong, vô |
盛 | boom, prosper, copulate, abundant, flourishing, contain, fill |
Mandarin: | ㄕㄥˋ (shèng), ㄔㄥˊ (chéng) |
Cantonese: | sing6 |
Japanese: | セイ (sei)、 ジョウ (jou) / も.る (moru)、 さか.る (sakaru)、 さか.ん (sakan) |
Korean: | 성 (seong) |
Vietnamese: | thịnh, thình |
衰 | decline, wane, weaken, falter, decrease |
Mandarin: | ㄕㄨㄞ (shuāi), ㄘㄨㄟ (cuī), ㄙㄨㄛ (suō) |
Cantonese: | seoi1 |
Japanese: | スイ (sui)、 サ (sa) / おとろ.える (otoroeru) |
Korean: | 쇠 (soe), 최 (choe) |
Vietnamese: | suy, súy, thôi |
Semantic variant form: | 縗 |