Vietnamese Word Entry

Quốc ngữ:nguyên khí
Definition: (traditional Chinese medicine) a mystical form of fundamental qi, or ""life force,"" that is believed to sustain life

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Chinese characters used in this word

beginning, former time, origin, first, dollar, head
Mandarin: ㄩㄢˊ (yuán)
Cantonese: jyun4
Japanese: ゲン (gen)、 ガン (gan) / もと (moto)、 こうべ (koube)
Korean: 원 (weon)
Vietnamese: nguyên

spirit, mind, air, atmosphere, mood, gas, steam, vapor
Mandarin: ㄑㄧˋ (qì), ㄒㄧˋ (xì)
Cantonese: hei3
Japanese: キ (ki)、 ケ (ke) / いき (iki)
Korean: 기 (gi)
Vietnamese: khí
Simplified Chinese form:
Simplified Japanese form:
Semantic variant form: