Chinese Word Entry

Mandarin (Zhuyin): ㄗㄠˋ
Mandarin (Pinyin): zào
Cantonese (Jyutping): zou6
  1. to make

  2. to build

  3. to manufacture

  4. to invent

  5. to fabricate

  6. to go to

  7. party (in a lawsuit or legal agreement)

  8. crop

  9. classifier for crops

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Chinese characters used in this word

create, make, structure, physique, construct, build, begin, prepare
Mandarin: ㄗㄠˋ (zào), ㄘㄠˋ (cào), ㄘㄠ (cāo)
Cantonese: zou6
Japanese: ゾウ (zou) / つく.る (tsukuru)、 つく.り (tsukuri)、 -づく.り (-dukuri)、 いたる (itaru)、 なる (naru)
Korean: 조 (jo)
Vietnamese: tạo, tháo