Chinese Word Entry


Simplified Chinese form: 司职

Mandarin (Zhuyin): ㄙ ㄓˊ
Mandarin (Pinyin): sī zhí
  1. to serve in the role of

  2. (sports) to play as (midfielder, defender etc)

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Chinese characters used in this word

director, official, govt office, rule, administer, take charge of, control, manage, officer
Mandarin: ㄙ (sī), ㄘˊ (cí), ㄙˋ (sì)
Cantonese: si1
Japanese: シ (shi) / つかさど.る (tsukasadoru)、 つかさ (tsukasa)
Korean: 사 (sa)
Vietnamese: ti, tư

post, employment, work, duty, profession, office
Mandarin: ㄓˊ (zhí), ㄊㄜˋ (tè)
Cantonese: zik1
Japanese: ショク (shoku)、 ソク (soku)、 トク (toku)、 シキ (shiki) / つかさ (tsukasa)、 つとめ (tsutome)、 つかさどる (tsukasadoru)
Korean: 직 (jig)
Vietnamese: chức
Simplified Chinese form: