Chinese Word Entry


Simplified Chinese form: 拆机

Mandarin (Zhuyin): ㄔㄞ ㄐㄧ
Mandarin (Pinyin): chāi jī
Cantonese (Jyutping): caak3 gei1
  1. to dismantle a machine

  2. to terminate a telephone service

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Chinese characters used in this word

to split apart, to break up, to open, split apart, rip open, to destroy
Mandarin: ㄔㄞ (chāi), ㄘㄚ (cā), ㄔㄜˋ (chè), ㄔˋ (chì)
Cantonese: caak3
Japanese: タク (taku)、 セキ (seki) / さく (saku)、 ひらく (hiraku)
Korean: 탁 (tag)
Vietnamese: sách

loom, mechanism, machine, airplane, opportunity, potency, efficacy, occasion, moment, chance
Mandarin: ㄐㄧ (jī)
Cantonese: gei1
Japanese: キ (ki) / はた (hata)、 からくり (karakuri)、 おり (ori)
Korean: 기 (gi)
Vietnamese: ky, cơ
Simplified Chinese form:
Semantic variant form: