Chinese Word Entry


Simplified Chinese form: 毫不怀疑

Mandarin (Zhuyin): ㄏㄠˊ ㄅㄨˋ ㄏㄨㄞˊ ㄧˊ
Mandarin (Pinyin): háo bù huái yí
Cantonese (Jyutping): hou4 bat1 waai4 ji4

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Chinese characters used in this word

fine hair, brush, not at all, measure of length
Mandarin: ㄏㄠˊ (háo)
Cantonese: hou4
Japanese: ゴウ (gou)、 コウ (kou) / ごう.も (goumo)、 すこし (sukoshi)
Korean: 호 (ho)
Vietnamese: hào

negative, non-, bad, ugly, clumsy, no, not, un-, negative prefix
Mandarin: ㄅㄨˋ (bù), ㄅㄨˊ (bú), ㄈㄡˇ (fǒu), ㄈㄡ (fōu), ㄈㄨ (fū)
Cantonese: bat1
Japanese: フ (fu)、 ブ (bu)、 フツ (futsu)、 ヒ (hi) / せず (sezu)、 にあらず (niarazu)、 いなや (inaya)
Korean: 부 (bu), 불 (bul)
Vietnamese: bất, phầu, phủ, phi

pocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom, breast, carry in bosom
Mandarin: ㄏㄨㄞˊ (huái)
Cantonese: waai4
Japanese: カイ (kai)、 エ (e) / ふところ (futokoro)、 なつ.かしい (natsukashii)、 なつ.かしむ (natsukashimu)、 なつ.く (natsuku)、 なつ.ける (natsukeru)、 いだ.く (idaku)、 おも.う (omou)
Korean: 회 (hoe)
Vietnamese: hoài
Simplified Chinese form: 怀
Simplified Japanese form:

doubt, distrust, be suspicious, question, suspect
Mandarin: ㄧˊ (yí), ㄋㄧㄥˊ (níng)
Cantonese: ji4
Japanese: ギ (gi)、 キョウ (kyou) / うたが.う (utagau)、 うたがい (utagai)、 うたがわし (utagawashi)
Korean: 의 (eui), 웅 (ung)
Vietnamese: nghi